Customer Testimonials

Some of Our Customer Testimonials

We have used R C Boreham & Co for many years and have found their ability to track down parts amazing and their cheerful and speedy service brilliant.

Philip Mugleston

O K Mugleston & Son

We have run a Deutz 7250TTV for 3 years & have found it to pull exceptionally well. The tractor has low fuel-consumption and on the road the transmission is very smooth & easy to drive. The service & support from R C Boreham & Co has been excellent over this time.

Jack Coleman

G A Coleman & Partners

I have been dealing with R C Boreham & Co for about thirty years. In that time I have worked with all three generations hiring and buying machines from them, using their transport services as well as the stores and workshop. My experience is that they are always straightforward and helpful to deal with and nothing ever seems like too much trouble to help with; the staff all are friendly and cheerful. The delivery service from the stores is second to none.

Michael Scantlebury

R C Boreham & Co have been taking care of our heavy haulage requirements for 14 years now. We use both their hiab and low loader lorries and they also deal with wide loads, movement orders and escort vehicles on our behalf where necessary. Response and service are paramount in our business and we can always rely upon R C Boreham & Co to deliver a quality service. Their drivers are like an extension of our own staff and we have total trust in their skill, ability and professionalism at all times.

Anton Lavery

Atlas Winch & Hoist Services Ltd

R C Boreham & Co have provided us with all our transport requirements for over 20 years. They offer us an exceptional service which has enabled us to flourish & grow and it is great for two local family businesses to work together. The drivers always go the extra mile to enable us to deliver our architectural & structural steelwork to site & on time. This can be to a variety of locations, some of which are not always the easiest to access!

The Team at Pleshey Forge Ltd